Running this year "unopposed" for a 4th term as Councilman. First, in 1999 was for 2 years. Second for 4 years in 2001 and then again in 2005 for another 4 years. This year, with no opposition for any of the Town positions, makes it a relatively "quiet" election season for Town of Mamaroneck candidates.
In some upcoming "Posts" I'll be outlining where I think we are and where we might be going. I will attempt to address the issue of Inter municipal Cooperation, what it means, what opportunities it presents and some pitfalls we need to be wary of. I'll try to discuss "Re-Val" and how it might affect individual home owners in The Town and Villages.
I would like to hear from our well informed and often "opinionated" citizenry as to their suggestions "How we can do Better?" and What additional services they would like to see?
I'll be floating some ideas that residents have suggested during the petitioning period earlier this summer as I went door-to-door, gathering signatures so that my running mates and I would qualify to be on the ballot this November.
I'll try to give some insights into our Town Budget deliberations and how we might be dealing with the consequences of the over 600 "certs" we got. That's where homeowners protest the taxes on their properties, alleging that they are currently paying too much as compared to their neighbors. If we take in less from some of our Real Estate Tax payers, we either have to make up the difference somewhere else or by Cutting Services.
It has always been my goal to do a better job of "communication" and that's a two-way street, so, don't be bashful, let me know what's on your mind.