Councilman Ernie's NEW Feedback Blog

I will be introducing some subjects on this blog that I invite viewers to comment on. There is nothing "official" about this Blog. It reflects my own views and may also reflect the views of those who add comments which are very welcomed.It has been set up to give me some feedback on Town Topics and to provide an easy way for friends and constituents to let me know what's on their minds. Ernie Odierna, Councilman, Town of Mamaroneck

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Regarding Re-Val, I am being advised that we will be able to have the roll ready for 2013 if we begin in September and that, at this time, is our hope. We would need to approve a contractor in August or very early in September, for them to start in September.

If I gave the impression that the public was to be invited to the bidders conference, that is an error. What I meant was that we would be welcoming comments and suggestions from everyone regarding the RFP. I expect, but do not yet know how or when we will be sharing the proposal responses with the public. Normally there is a Public, Televised, meeting in which the Town Board is presented with the results of a bid request, along with recommendations. Then we decide which firm to award the contract to. This is more complicated. Stay tuned. As we get further into the process I'll be sure to let everyone know what's happening and when their 2 cents can be put in.

Our "Work Sessions" are open and interested parties can always "sit-in" and observe.

I wouldn't hold my breath for the County doing any re-val. The County Exec. has already indicated publicly his opposition.




At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Re-Val, the impression is that the Board met and reached a decision and then members such as you were advised that its decisions have been revised.

As to comments regarding the RFP from the public, it seems too late for them as it has already been issued according to the Town.

As to the perspective bidders conference, reading the RFP would indicate that anyone could attend to gain information about the requirements of a proposal. The other alternative is to assume that it is not an open RFP and that a sufficient number of the members of the Town Board will not attend.

If the County does not do any re-val, one by the Town could increase the County taxes for Town residents for many years. As to the successful completion by either the Town or the County and the perspective expense - anyone hear $2.5 to $3M if done by the Town - we'll hold our breath too.

Thanks very much for the keeping us informed! 2 cents may be what we have left if this continues. We'll also let you and others on the Board know through you blog when we hear what may be happening :-)

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additionally, the original proposed date of completion for the project has been pushed back to 2014 from June, 2013, in part, because the data collection process—the largest phase of the project—is such a time-intensive and lengthy process.

“We think that needs to take its due course to allow for the most accurate information,” explained Altieri, in reference to the data that will drive the valuation models and reassessment of property values.

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not broadcast the "Work Sessions" that are open and provides copies of the documents that are distributed to the Council so that interested parties can understand rather than just "sit-in" and observe? Who or what is stopping it?

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Ernie Odierna said...

Some of us on The Town Board have been pushing for Televised Work Sessions for years. The Supervisor and some of the other Council people have been against it for fear that it would inhibit frank discussions among The Council. I disagree, but more pressure from the public requesting TV coverage would be helpful. If more folks came in person to the "televised" portion of our meetings and requested it, it would have a better chance of happening. The argument or question, within The Council, is "How many people really want it and would watch?"


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thoughtful comment Mr. Odierna. But, environmentally it is more responsible to view electronically than to use gas to view in person. One could guess that the part now on TV has matters that would not encourage interest or discussion. As a basis of democracy is to hear the frank comments of representatives, those who don't vote with you to broadcast the entire meeting could find little response to their candidacies on Election Day. Names?

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Ernie Odierna said...

O.K. it may be a pain in the pocketbook, in addition to the neck, to come to the meetings and watch us do stuff without knowing what we have in front of us or what discussion may have already taken place in our work sessions but, at least send some e-mails to my fellow Board Members telling them that you would appreciate seeing "work session" proceedings televised and possibly have access electronically to the documents we have been provided prior to the meeting. We now have all our e-mail addresses on The Town Website. Basically it's our individual

According to Phyllis, only a single constituent, has ever asked that our work sessions be televised. The Board has felt that it would not be worth the effort, if no one would watch. There certainly is not yet a "ground swell" of support for the idea. Perhaps the Re-Val process will be the catalyst necessary to get us started. Maybe we can find a way to, from our website, do a survey to see how many might be interested. How about we develop a "survey panel" of local citizens off whom we can bounce ideas?


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well who knew? Now e-mail addresses for Board Members? Did not see them on the Town Board members page. Dd not see them on the Contact List page except the Supervisor. Well at least your readers now know there is a Town Website. Did the Town ever check usage of the the Website as the recreation brochure went back to paper and the Supervisor's newsletter was preceded by a postal card?

So who knows about “work sessions”. Your comment prompted a comparison from possibly unverifiable numbers, that the Board met in untelevised open meeting for over two hours last night but for less than two hours in televised open meeting. How many watched the televised part? What’s the difference between the two parts? Do they still spend all that TV time on the fire department bills? Certainly would discourage interaction between the Board and the residents.

People will take the initiative to complain when they become aware of something bothering them. Initiative to prevent problems is less common. Judy and George come out to their constituents to seek ideas. Something to think about.

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Ernie Odierna said...

I am embarrassed to say that after reading your comments, I went to the Town Website and I too could not find our e-mail addresses listed anywhere.

I have e-mailed our Town Administrator and should have an answer for you later today.

We should also link to the list in our "How do I?" section under the question, "How do I send an e-mail to members of the Town Board?"



At 11:46 PM, Blogger Ernie Odierna said...

Regarding e-mail addresses for Town Board members on the town website, I have been assured it will be done most likely by next Wednesday. It was an "oversight" and they should appear under the heading "Directory of Services" then "Government" and then "Town Supervisor/Board."



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