Councilman Ernie's NEW Feedback Blog

I will be introducing some subjects on this blog that I invite viewers to comment on. There is nothing "official" about this Blog. It reflects my own views and may also reflect the views of those who add comments which are very welcomed.It has been set up to give me some feedback on Town Topics and to provide an easy way for friends and constituents to let me know what's on their minds. Ernie Odierna, Councilman, Town of Mamaroneck

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Upon further thought and discussion I am thinking that perhaps, since the Schools in our district, do not let the students out for lunch unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian, why not give our Street Crossing Guards the option of working for a reduced salary only mornings and at "release time" or doing Parking Enforcement duty for us for a few hours each day to maintain their full $71.00 per day salary. Probably not all of them would want or be able to take on this duty but it could be a win-win for all concerned. Worthy of further thought, I would think.




At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't the "fully costed" expense significantly higher than $71/day?


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