We are about to have our March 16, 2011 Town Board Meeting. A number of items are still "on the table." Here are a few of the questions I hope to be raising. Additional questions are welcome and, if anyone has any suggestions, they would be welcome too.
Monday, March 14, 2011
How close are we to issuing a bid request for Re-Val? When will the bids be due and do we know yet when the public will be heard from on our plans?
Pot holes around Town seem really bad. Any special plan to repair the streets in place?
Many "mid day" street crossing guards seem like a waste of taxpayer money. Where is our schools report as to whether or not a particular school lets it's students "out" for lunch?
How are we doing with our "trees" report which will hopefully tell us which of our tree population is valuable enough to "protect?"
How do we feel about "street bumps?" Should we start with them? If so, should we hold public hearings before putting one in like we do for stop signs?
How big a problem is commuter parking around the Larchmont Metro-North train station?
Were there any flooding problems in Town after the big rains? Did our level control of the reservoir and The Duck Pond help? Did everything work as planned?
How is the VFW renovation coming? When do we anticipate it will be ready for our Seniors?
Did the snow removal this year cause more damage than usual? If there was, were there any reason other than the sheer volume of snow? Was "where to put it?" a solvable problem?
How can we get drivers who are not familiar with the "special signal" on Chatsworth and Myrtle to make right turns, even though the primary signal is red?
Is the taxi voucher system for seniors really dead?
How are we doing with our Town's 350th birthday commemoration?