I've been remiss in not "updating" more often. We were away for a few weeks at the end of March with limited Internet access so I let it "slide."
The Town Board is making progress toward a Re-Val decision. Our RFP should be ready to go out to potential bidders in the next few days. We'll be giving it another review at our next work session on April 20th. So far, it's 64 pages long. Once we get responses back and have some dollar figures to consider, we'll be holding "Public Sessions" to consider our next steps. There should be plenty of opportunities for the public to understand what the proposed process will entail and for them to "chime in" with their comments.
Anyone who has walked or driven near The Gardens Lake lately will notice that at times it seems very "full" while at other times the level is pretty low. That's our "Flood Control" regulation in action. Prior to an expected big rain storm, we lower the level, as is done with The Sheldrake Reservoir, then let the retained water out slowly to try and minimize flooding downstream, in The Village of Mamaroneck. It might seem strange how much water is rushing down the "Brook" prior to a storm, when it hasn't even started to rain. That's us "draining" the upstream reservoir in anticipation of the rains to come.
The Town of Mamaroneck's 350th Birthday commemoration has been set for the weekend of September 17th & 18th. Look for information about events and activities that will be taking place in The Villages and in The Town. Councilwoman Nancy Seligson and Town Clerk Christina Battalia are coordinating the activities and Jennifer Graziano Mangano will be the overall manager of the celebration.
Don't be shy. Come to a Town Board Work Session and or a Town Board Meeting. If you have something on your mind and have a reason why you might not want, or be able, to stay till the end of the meeting to share it with us, ask the Supervisor, at the start of the meeting, if you might be heard "out of order." It's very likely she can fit you in early.
Labels: Re-Val progress....Stay tuned