Regarding Re-Val, I am being advised that we will be able to have the roll ready for 2013 if we begin in September and that, at this time, is our hope. We would need to approve a contractor in August or very early in September, for them to start in September.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
If I gave the impression that the public was to be invited to the bidders conference, that is an error. What I meant was that we would be welcoming comments and suggestions from everyone regarding the RFP. I expect, but do not yet know how or when we will be sharing the proposal responses with the public. Normally there is a Public, Televised, meeting in which the Town Board is presented with the results of a bid request, along with recommendations. Then we decide which firm to award the contract to. This is more complicated. Stay tuned. As we get further into the process I'll be sure to let everyone know what's happening and when their 2 cents can be put in.
Our "Work Sessions" are open and interested parties can always "sit-in" and observe.
I wouldn't hold my breath for the County doing any re-val. The County Exec. has already indicated publicly his opposition.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Well it has finally gone out to potential bidders and it is posted on our Town Website, Look on the left side of the homepage, under "News & Notices."
There will be a prospective bidders conference and we will listen to all suggestions and comments. That goes for any of our citizens who care to comment as well. We'll be holding at least 7 meetings to hear comments and answer questions as the process moves along.
When or if we decide to proceed is a current topic of discussion among the Town Board. While we might have our responses back in August, we don't like to make major decisions when a good percentage of our constituents are still out of Town for Summer Vacations. We are already pretty much resigned to the fact that the tax roll of 2014 is likely to be the earliest possible time to implement any new tax roll. There are Town and Village of Mamaroneck elections coming up this fall and it would be nice to keep "politics" out of the "decision" process if at all possible.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Moving right along, look for the Re-Val RFP (Request for Proposal) to be posted on the Town of Mamaroneck website the week of May 9th, 2011. We took some extra time discussing a "warranty" suggested by our Town Attorney to incentivise the contractor to do a good job. We
also decided to offer an amnesty to homeowners whose homes my have been "improved" but without appropriate permitting. This will be done in order to encourage as many homeowners as possible to admit the re-val teams into their homes, thus ensuring the most accurate valuations.
We are in the early stages of coming up with a "tire booting" program for scofflaws. Stay tuned.
The Town Democratic Party is starting to screen potential candidates for Town Supervisor and Councilperson who will be running in this fall's election. Interested candidates should contact the Chair of the Town Democratic Party, Roz Weinstein, (914) 834-7733 or Fred Baron, chair of the screening panel, (914) 834-0876
Lots of Memorial Day week events are planned including two parades and a few different services.
Wednesday, May 25th at 3:00pm Kemper Memorial Essay Contest in the lobby outside the multi-tiered classroom of Mamaroneck HS followed by a ceremony at the Richard Kemper Park Monument.
Thursday, May 26th 7:00pm Larchmont- Mamaroneck Memorial Day Parade.
Sunday, May 29th, 11:00am Monument Park on Myrtle Blvd. Sponsored by American Legion Post #347
Monday, May 30th, 9:00am, VFW Ceremony at Tompkins Park, Vill. of Mamaroneck
Monday, May 30th, 5:00pm Parade, Mamaroneck Post #90, from Mamaroneck Ave. School, down Mamaroneck Ave. ending at the Honor Roll on Prospect Ave. across from the American Legion Building.