As part of our 2010 Budget Review for The Town of Mamaroneck, we are looking at a proposed 5 year Street & Sidewalk Repair schedule which will be funded to a large extent by a Bond issue. This represents a departure from the way we have been doing it in the recent past where the monies came out of our operating budget. Doing it this way will allow us to do twice as much work in a much shorter time period as was heretofore been possible. Interested parties, with concerns about particular streets, should pay attention to our Budget hearings and make their concerns and feelings heard.
Our next General Budget discussion will be taking place during our upcoming Work Session which starts at 4:30p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 18th in Conference Room A in The Town Center.
I feel that to better encourage our citizen's participation, we should be publishing more details about when we will be discussing what, as it regards our budget.
I wish more of our citizens, if they agree, not just about the budget, but all of our Town Agenda items, would let their feelings be heard by my fellow council people. They can do this via e-mail, letters, phone calls or, best, by showing up and speaking up at our Town Board meetings. Next one is Wed. Nov. 18, 2009 at 8:15 p.m., in the Court Room of the Town Center.
Hope to see you there.