I appreciate anyone taking the time and effort to comment on my activities as a Councilman.
The idea that I am a "senile liberal democrat" is partially correct.
I am a Democrat.
I consider myself a "liberal" although, like many other terms used in political dialog these days, the terms "liberal" or "conservative" are often over simplifications. One can be a "conservative" but hold what many might consider "liberal" views on conservation, environmental protection or human rights. A "liberal" may want to help those groups in society less fortunate or in need of assistance, or try some new approach to an old problem, but be very conservative when it comes to spending money or changing something that appears to work.
As one ages, and that includes myself, some "old" ways don't always seem that bad and are often worth retaining. As far as the "senile" part of your characterization is concerned, it's hard to argue. If forgetting things or misplacing stuff are signs of "senility" then I guess you may be on to something. Fortunately lots of my "old" friends are in the same boat as well as many of my "younger" ones as well. It's real fun though to get together and share with precise, accurate and minute detail, events that took place 40, 50 or even 60 years ago. Don't ask though about last week.
Sorry if my commentary about my
pleasurable dining experiences with my fellow elected officials annoys you. Town officials often go through lots of extra effort to organize, arrange and present meals in a "fun" environment for our seniors or other community groups. Where I can, I like to acknowledge their efforts and show my appreciation. Also, as elected Town officials, we get invited to virtually every Philanthropic or Community Improvement dinner in Town. We do pay for many of these ourselves and usually make contributions to their causes as well. Where I can, I try to take the opportunity to aid the organization by helping publicize their event and what they are trying to accomplish. All that notwithstanding, I do really enjoy eating and like to share with friends those "good times."
I hate spending money, as my fellow Board Members will attest. It may appear during the televised portion of our Board meetings that "we all go along" with the various spending proposals presented to us but, what you don't see, unless you come to our work sessions, is the extensive give-and-take discussions which
precede the actual vote. If there is a lower cost way to accomplish a worthwhile goal, I am for it. If we can use citizen expertise, in lieu of hiring a paid consultant, I'm for it. We are a very "professionally" run Town and the "cheapest" way of doing things, I have learned, is, in the long run, not always the best way.
Thanks again for your comments.
Ernie O.
Labels: A Senile Liberal Democrat?